Hello, i am Mariah Smith, Shannie’s younger sister. i am crying. this is beautiful so far. but she/we grew up in Pine Plains, NY. Shan was only born in Oswego.

thank you so much for writing this and for honoring her. i’m gonna continue reading but i just wanted to let you know in case you can edit it with the correct info.

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OMG Thank you so much for the kind words. Conrad told me you commented. I believe he fixed the Pine Plains location stuff.

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Your response has warmed my heart. Thank you for responding

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I can fix the Pine Plains thing

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I reached out to SCPO Kent's husband to make sure he was okay with the article (neither Mauve nor I wanted to get anything wrong or offend her family). He said "Looks great. Thank you for honoring her. I have a book coming out about her this Memorial Day."

So, share, comment, and discuss.

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